Sunday, July 19, 2009

Potty Training Day #3

High: Pool Birthday Party :) AND Pete's paw seems to be getting better :)
Low: Claire had a few accidents :(

So today was another day of potty training. Claire did fairly well. Obviously it would have been awesome if Claire would just be totally potty trained by now, but let's be serious that is just not how it works. Claire had a few accidents but on the upside of that, she hated when her underpants got wet. I figured this was a big step because the other day she could have cared less if her pants were wet, but today she would freak out! Also, when I was reading her her bedtime stories she looked up at me at goes "momma, I go pee pee in my pull up.". While I know that is not really the point of this whole thing, I thought it was pretty promising for two reasons. 1. She understood what peeing was and 2. she knew she wasn't supposed to be doing it.

Other than that we had a great time at a friend's birthday party. And guess what the theme was? A POOL PARTY! Right up Claire's alley!

Claire loved the pool. And she loved all the other kids in the pool! She kept saying "I swim with the kids!"

They had this cool mushroom waterfall. At first Claire got a little freaked out when it went on but once she saw the other kids loving it she was totally into it!!

Then Claire just wanted to swim by herself and kept trying to climb away from Mark!

Here is Claire with a few of her buddies from the party!

After the party we just relaxed at home. Claire just discovered this art kit that she got for her birthday and she could not get enough of it! She drew me a ton of pictures. She kept saying "I draw you a line Mama." AND THEN SHE WOULD DRAW A LINE!! I was so proud. Hmmm maybe she has a future as an artist?!

Look at that face. Pure concentration!

Then we decided to make a little craft from an old paper towel roll. We made a rainstick. Claire colored the whole roll and she helped daddy fill it with noodles (we didn't have any rice).

Then we taped the ends.

Then Claire just shook it like crazy!

Peter's paw seemed to feel better. He was putting some pressure on it today. While Claire worked on her art Peter relaxed with Norman Beans.


Jessica said...

Ohhhh I'm so glad that Claire likes the art table and chalk that we got her. The pictures are so cute. Call me so we can get the girls together this week.

Amanda said...

Definitely sounds like potty training is going in the right direction! I bet you'll see big improvements in the next couple of days.

Where was the birthday party? That pool looks fun!