Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Is It Love?

High: Swim Class :) AND Playdate with Chase :)
Low: Yucky weather kept us inside most of the day :(

Swim class went very well today. Claire is still the only one in the class so it is kind of neat. It would be nice to have other kids to play games with buuuuuuttttttt the one on one lessons are nice. Today Claire worked on pushing off the side of the pool and jumping off the side. She did excellent with both. Miss Lauren said the only thing keeping Claire back from the next level is her age. When she told us that I got "that feeling", you moms know the one. Where you just want to jump and down and scream "MY KID IS SOOOO AWESOME....I KNEW IT!!!!!!!!"

After mastering the "kick off" we moved on to Claire jumping off the side of the pool into Mark's arms. I tried to post a video of that but it wasn't working. So, I will post that video tomorrow.

After swim class we relaxed at home and laid around. Then, we had our playdate with friends of ours. I really think that it was love at first sight. Chase and Claire played together soooo well. At one point the adults sat around and the kids played in Chase's room and all we could hear was a fit of loud giggles! It was adorable!

Chase loved driving Claire around on his bike.

Then they took a nice drive around the yard. I think Chase may be a future race car driver. For being so young he really knows how to drive!!
Claire is such a girl. She had to check herself out in the side mirror!

Isn't Chase adorable?! I think we found a love match :)
Chase tried to teach Claire to drive.

But she wasn't very good at it. So Chase drove his girlfriend around!!!
Our friends are the proud owners of Pete's brother Rocky. Here is Rocky. Claire kept calling him Pete it was really cute!

It was yet another great day. I wish the weather would get nicer but, I am still enjoying just being home and hangin' with my family!!!

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