Sunday, July 26, 2009

Daddy's Girl.

High: Nothin to do today :)
Low: Yucky weather (big surprise) :(

Today was great, we had NOTHING to do. Claire and I stayed in our jammies for most of the day and she helped me clean. Daddy had to work for a little while, which Claire was NOT happy about. This brings me to my next point. Claire has been quite the daddy's girl lately. There are times that she flat our refuses to hang out with me. It is very sad for me.

Claire and I did get a chance to play in the sandbox for about 5 minutes before it began to downpour!

The only thing that we did today was go to the grocery store. This has always been a family favorite. Ever since Claire was a baby she loved the grocery store. I, of course, forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures. Well, one because I finally realized that I could just use my phone and email it to myself!

Here is Claire and her baby. It was really cute, she loved the lobsters in the tank. Even though she thought they were bugs and could not understand why they were in water. She kept saying "Bugs mama, why dey in dere? why dey in da wader?".

Everytime we go to the grocery store Mark and I always like to try something new. This time we decided to try Shark Steaks. And man, were they delicious (we just wish that we would have let them marinade longer but we couldn't wait anymore!!!)!!

Here is Claire lovin the Shark. I swear this kid will eat anything!!!

Tonight Claire would not let me give her her bath. Only Daddy!!!

1 comment:

Jacqie said...

Natalie, you are going to confuse that poor little girl ... lol!!! She gets more adorable everyday!!!!