Thursday, July 9, 2009

Busy Day....

High: I got all the food for the party and started cleaning, therefore I am ahead of schedule :)
Low: Claire had school and I missed her like crazy :( AND Pete's paw is still bothering him :(

So, I REALLY missed Claire today. I miss her whenever I am not with her but for some reason today I REALLY missed her. The upside is, while Claire was at school I got all of the food and beverages for the party. I also got the cake ordered and started cleaning the house. Mark and I even had time to run over and get some new bathroom stuff for our rental property. So overall it was a very productive day. Not too many pics for today though. I am meeting my friends from work downtown this evening. While I am super excited to see my friends from work (I work with really fun people), I am sad that it will be two nights in a row that I won't put Claire to bed (Mark is thrilled though, he loves his father daughter time with Claire).

After school Claire enjoyed her usual viewing of Sesame Street with a snack of pretzels.

Pete's paw is still bothering him so he laid around on his couch most of the day. As soon as Claire got home (after her Sesame Street of course) she wanted to check on him.

Then she just sat next to him for a little while. Pete must not be feeling well because notice he didn't even turn around to see her :(

So, tomorrow we are in full party mode. We have to get everything ready tomorrow, so wish us luck. I am feeling pretty confident right now but I am sure there are some major things that I forgot to take care that will come back to bite me!!!

Sidenote: while I was out Mark texted me that Claire put him in timeout. Apparently, Mark was making funny faces at her and she told him "Stop making funny faces at me. You go timeout. You sit over der!" She is on a big timeout kick and I swear to God we don't put her in timeout that often!!!!!

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