Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Lonely Day

High: I got tons of laundry done :) AND my bathrooms are spotless :)
Low: It was a lonely rainy day :(

Today was just one of those days. It was dark and rainy and yucky. Claire went to school, so of course I missed her like crazy. Mark was busy working on our rental unit (which is pretty much done...THANK GOD). And I got all my thank you cards done (from Claire's party), a ridiculous amount of laundry done and put away (which is usually where I am lacking in the laundry department), got BOTH of my bathrooms scrubbed down (and I am talking SCRUBBED down), and got the bedrooms cleaned. So while it was a very productive day, it was a lonely and mopey day.

After a nice dinner Daddy had to go to lacrosse so it was just me and my baby. Too bad she was super exhausted from school and she just wanted to relax and watch Elmo.

Pete loves when Claire just chills out. He can always be found right by her feet.

Then Claire wanted to read Mommy's book.

I had to get a picture of her eyes. Today Claire told me "Mommy you have blue eyes. You have blue eyes like Cware?" I have no idea how or where she put all of that together but she did. I like to think its because we are best friends and she thinks about me constantly!

Great strides in the potty training area. Only ONE accident today!!!! And today when I put Claire in the tub she played for a second and then started yelling "I go pee pee Mama!!! I go pee pee NOOOOWWWWW!!" So I grabbed her and put her on the potty and SHE WENT! How awesome is her hair?!

Hands down one of my favorite times of the day is right after Claire's bath. She smells so good and is super snuggly (FYI Claire is not a snuggler, she very rarely wants to be held and snuggled so when the opportunity presents itself..I TAKE IT!). Here she is just relaxing after bath, smellin all good, waitin for her stories. I love this kid sooo much!!!!

Claire has recently just started trying to put off bedtime. Which is super strange because once she is in her jammies and I am reading her her stories she is dying to get into her crib and go to sleep. She will come up with any excuse she can to try and stay up. Here she is in the bathtub trying to put off bedtime by saying its time to play swim lessons! Enjoy....


Amanda said...

Ok, the next time you're feeling lonely, and compelled to clean like a madwoman, you just come right over to my house. I had the same dreary day, but instead of my filthy house getting cleaned, I started reading the True Blood books. And my house will continue to be filthy until all of those books have been read!!!

And seriously, the blue eyes comment? Child prodigy is what you have on your hands.

Tammy said...

so cute...I adore the picture of her smiling on the potty. I do that too! Her hair is precious. I't's getting so long and big girlish!