Friday, December 31, 2010

Saturday, December 25, 2010 CHRISTMAS DAY!!

LOW: Christmas is over after today :(

This was by far the best Christmas EVER!  Claire was super into it this year and Oliver is here to enjoy the day as well!
Claire was the first one up (at 9am thank you very much) and she waited ever so patiently for Oliver to get up.  She is such a great big sister!  Finally, at around 10 am Oliver woke up and it was CHRISTMAS TIME!!!
Here is Claire getting Oliver pumped to see if Santa came. 
Claire was so excited to see that Santa had come!  She wanted Oliver to have the first present :)
Then, of course, she had to help him open it!
Daddy got what he always wanted!!  He finally got a nightstand for his side of bed!  
Claire loved playing with her new jewelery box and jewelery.
"Where are MY PRESENTS?!?!?"
So many gifts!!!!
Claire wanted this "Santa on a bike" soooo badly!!
She must have been a good girl because Santa bought it for her.
Santa filled up those stockings!
Poor Oliver, I could not find a stocking with an O on it anywhere so I had to cut out a paper O and tape it to this one!  Sorry Buddy, we will find you one for next year!
Claire loved her new bike video game!
Daddy got her some super sweet shin guards for soccer this summer!
Claire got some fancy new press on nails from Santa.
Claire loved putting makeup on her new makeup doll.

After a good nap and some serious cleaning up, it was time to go to Auntie Rose's for some more holiday fun!
Claire loved playing with her "favorite friend" Leah.
So cute.
Oliver enjoyed having lunch with Leah.
Then...Santa stopped in!
Claire was so happy to see him!
And what would Christmas be without ANOTHER picture of my kids with Santa!!
 So long Santa!  See ya next year!!!!
After Santa left Oliver started to get a little sleepy.  How awesome is this face?!?!
 Then Justin strapped on "The Vest" and handed out some more presents!!
Claire, Lauren, and Justin loved coloring.
The twins and Claire.
Nana has the touch and Oliver fell asleep.  Just in time for us to go to another party.
This picture pretty much sums up Claire and Owen opening gifts together.
Hmmmm maybe they will start a band???
Even with all the presents Owen still had time to give Oliver a smooch.
I think this may be one of my favorite pictures from Christmas. Sorry Di, I know you hate being on the blog but COME ON!!!  This picture is the best!!!!!
Finally, presents are done and the kids are somewhat calming down.
 I could eat this little guy up!!!
So could Auntie Erin!
On a sadder note, this is the ornament that Claire made for Mark for Christmas (I got a beautiful necklace, that I LOVE).  Unfortunately, it is made of rice and falling apart.  We had to say farewell to this ornament.  You are gone but not forgotten.  I am not gonna lie,  Mark and I were a total mess about saying goodbye to this ornament!  It was really sad but we have this picture to always remember it by!

Overall, this was the BEST Christmas EVER!  

Friday, December 24, 2010 CHRISTMAS EVE!!

LOW: I wish that I could spend today with EVERYONE I love :(

Well, today was Christmas Eve!!!  This was the first Christmas Eve that Mark and I hosted the party!  And I must say, it was the best idea ever!!  The kids stayed on their schedule and I LOVED seeing both of our families hang out together.  
Claire was thrilled to death when we gave her one of her presents early.  Her Christmas dress this year came with a dress that would match her dolly.  Sooo, of course we had to get her a dolly and give it to her early!
Oliver got an early present too from Auntie Rose!
 I think Uncle Greg was a little jealous of Oliver's gift.
It was so great to see everyone eating and enjoying themselves!
Everyone seemed very cozy and at home in the new dining room.
New and old friends and family gathered together to celebrate this great holiday!
Mark and I loved seeing both of our families chat and have a good time.
It was just so great to have everyone together!
Hot mamas.
Oops!  Almost forgot a hot mama!
I think these two guys had a great time!
Oliver opening his first Christmas present ever.
Claire loved her singamagigs!
Oliver loved his new blanket from Aunt Nancy and Uncle Todd.  We knew he loved it when he rubbed it all over his face and almost fell asleep.
This was all Claire wanted for Christmas this year.  A Woody doll with a REAL string!!!
Mark got Papa something special this year.  It was Papa's coffee mug that we borrowed and he has been dying to get it back!
Oliver got his own camera to play with!
Me and my little Christmas Angel.
The Komosinski girls.
Mark reading The Polar Express to Claire (and a few adults).
Mom and Greg posing for their picture that will become a painting for the dining room ;).
Then it was time to get the treats ready for Santa and his reindeer.
Mark and Papa cleaning up the kitchen.
Pete was so tired at this point he wouldn't even get up to get this treat!
Finally, the kids were in bed and the party winded down and Uncle Johnny came over after work so that we could open more presents!!
Greg loved his new hat!  Due to his lack of hair, this hat keeps him nice and toasty!
Thanks Nana and Papa for the great gifts!!  And for your help with the party!
Ohhh Pete.

Overall, I think this was the best Christmas Eve ever!  I loved having my house full of friends and family!  The sounds of talking and laughter is what Christmas is all about!  I can't wait to do it again next year! I can't wait to see if Santa comes in the morning ;) Merry Christmas!!!!