Monday, July 20, 2009


High: It was a beautiful summer day :) AND we had sooo much fun today :) AND Pete's paw is getting even better :)
Low: It is supposed to rain for the next few days :(

Wow! Were we busy today! We started with our usual swim lessons followed by our trip to Tim Hortons. Miss Lauren was not there today and the other lifeguard (this young teenage boy who you could tell had NO IDEA what to do with Claire) said we could just have free time in the pool, so we did. She basically just swam around by herself the whole time :)

Yep, here she is. My Hot Mama. Rockin it on her noodle all by herself.

After breakfast Claire helped Mark check out Pete's paw. Then we all went for a nice walk around the block. Even Pete went! He walked on his paw a little bit on our walk, so we think that is a good sign.

After our walk we realized that we could not waste one second of this gorgeous day!! So we decided to go to this park in our town that is AWESOME! It has a little beach area, a playground, and this tiny water park type thing. We had a BLAST!! Claire's favorite part was the little water park. It is all fenced in and the ground is this really neat material that isn't too hard on your feet.

Claire would run over and hit the button.....

Then run super fast......

and stand in the mist with her mouth open!! It was awesome!

Then she discovered these things that just shoot water straight up. I totally thought she wouldn't be interested because it just blows water right into your face. But, she loved it! LOOK AT THAT FACE!!

Then she was trying to hug it!

Then we ventured over to the playground for a little bit. They have this train that she absolutely loves!! She goes in and yells "chug a chug a woo woo!!"

Then we swam in the little beach area for a while. I thought the wet, rocky sand would bother her tootsies (because they totally bother mine) but she was lovin' it!

After the park we rushed home for a quick nap before Claire's doctor appointment. No worries just her two year check up! She did awesome. Mark, Claire, and myself all go to the same doctor so it is nice when we go because we all know each other. Her doctor said she did great. He couldn't get over how much she talked and how good she was for him. Claire did everything he said and smiled the whole time. I actually got a little choked up to see her sitting there, all big, by herself as the doctor checked her out. She didn't need Daddy or me to hold her (in fact she told us "no, i do it meself!") and she looked like a big girl. While I was very proud, I was also a little sad (but in a good way!).

While we waited for the doctor to come in, Claire gave Daddy a check up. Yep, everything looks great!

Then Claire did a little light reading in regards to her potty training!

After the doctor we went to Applebees (my favorite) for dinner, then came home and swam in her pool, then Claire went for a run with Daddy! Now, we are off to tubbie time!

As for Claire's potty training, she did great again today. Only a few accidents. She is getting the idea more and more. It seems like everyday she gets a little bit better!


Amanda said...

We definitely need to make a playdate at that park!

Jessica said...

Is that Green Lake??? I need to know so I can take Giada there, it looks so fun. Defintley a playdate spot.