Friday, July 17, 2009

Potty Training Day #1

High: Claire started potty training :)
Low: Claire started potty training :(

So today was the day. We started potty training. I swear I get this sad feeling every time I think of her not in diapers anymore. My girlfriend and I call it the "homesick feeling", you know the feeling you had when you were a kid and slept away from home and missed your parents terribly. Well, that is how I feel when I think about Claire being a big girl!! That being said, I sucked it up and we started. We started the day by going to Target to get all of our supplies. Big girl pants (about 35 pairs), pull-ups for bedtime, wipies, and m&ms.

It started out great. We started right after nap, and Claire woke up saying "I want candy, 2 candies for poopies!!" So we ran into the bathroom and she went poopies!!! YAY!!!

Here she is "going".

And here she is celebrating! Notice the chocolate on her chin :)

It was at this point that Claire became obsessed with going potty and getting candy. The poor thing just kept getting on and then off and then asking for candy. She would not stop. At one point she was sitting on the potty and her poor face was beat red she was trying so hard. So, I finally got her to go and play with her toys to get her mind off of it for a little while. Well, within 10 minutes she comes to me and says "mommy, Elmo all wet. no pee pee, it water." Seriously?!?!?! You just sat on the potty for like 3 days and NOW you go...and THEN LIE ABOUT IT!!! Perfect. So this went on all day. Then I decided to use a trick that my friend Amanda told me about. I set a timer for every 20 minutes and every time it went it off we ran to the potty and tried. That totally helped (thank you Amanda;))! Claire would hear the alarm and she would get all excited. The last time before bed she heard the alarm and ran to the potty and went pee! She was so proud. So, I am thinking tomorrow should be more productive (right?).

Then Daddy said we are all going to the Chinese food buffet (my favorite place) to celebrate. Claire did great there!!

Claire was lovin her ice cream.

She loved sharing her ice cream with Daddy :)

And then her favorite part is always the big fishies!!

Tomorrow is another day. Wish us luck!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

The first day of potty training is all about the learning curve. That absolutely cracks me up that she lied and said that it was water - smart little cookie! Good luck tomorrow!

Hmmm, suddenly I'm craving chinese food.