Thursday, July 16, 2009


Low: I had a class this morning and had to get up SUPER early! :(

Mark has worked so hard over the past few years to get his lacrosse team to do well. He has run summer programs, winter programs, and devoted quite a bit of time to his lacrosse teams. And it has paid off!!! CONGRATULATIONS BABY!!!!!! CLAIRE AND I ARE SOOOO PROUD OF YOU!!!!!!!

So not much else went on here today. I had a class this morning, Mark did some work on our rental, and Claire had school too. After school Claire was all about her pool, which was still up from yesterday. She swam for a long time today and LOVED it! I think it had to do with the fact that the water was a lot warmer today!

Claire loved to walk on her hands and kick her legs!

Here she is scooping water into her watering can for Peter.

Here is a little video of the dancing/swimming queen. PS how stage mom do I sound at the end?!?

After some fun in the sun Aunt Jacqie stopped over to play dress up!

Claire dressed up Aunt Jacqie first.

Then Aunt Jacqie dressed up Claire.

Here is the final "Hot Mama" as Claire kept calling herself! And yes, the apron says Claire on it. My aunt got it for her and it is simply adorable!!!!

Tomorrow we have nothing to do. No swim lessons, no classes to take, no school, and no work on the rental. We MAY start potty training tomorrow. Claire is really ready but for some reason it breaks my heart to think of her in big girl pants. I don't know why, I am not usually like that but, the thought of my baby not being so much of a baby anymore kills me!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

I love your blog Natalie! Thank you for sharing it with us. Claire is a doll! We should get all the kiddos together some time! Enjoy your relaxing day today. What is with this weather? MLS

Amanda said...

Congratulations Mark!!! Let us know when you want to go out to celebrate!

And yay for days with nothing to do - don't you love that?! Let us know if you decide to do potty training!