Sunday, January 23, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011 Brother and Sister

Brother and Sister
HIGH: Oliver and I hung out and enjoyed one of our last days of maternity leave :)
LOW: The clock is ticking for me to go back to work :(

Today we just relaxed and played all day.  Claire had school and we missed her.  I am pretty sure that Oliver misses her just as much (if not more) than I do.  Oliver and Claire are buddies.  When I get Oliver up in the morning the first thing he does is look over my shoulder to see if Claire is there.  Claire feels the same way about Oliver.  She is always playing with him and trying to make him smile.
Claire loves to read to Oliver and sing him songs.  She provides excellent entertainment.  Here she is reading him her favorite 
book :)  
I love to watch the two of them hang out and make each other happy.  I really hope that they stay buddies!  I have visions of the two of them playing together until they are older.  Then I have visions of Claire helping Oliver with girl trouble and giving him advice.  I think of Oliver helping Claire fix stuff in her room and putting gas in her car for her. I see them sticking together and covering for each other so that they don't get in trouble (not that I promote this but it does make me smile a little).  I just always want them to realize that they will always have each other and how important that is.

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