Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Monday, January 10, 2011 Pete

HIGH: Claire got her costume for dancing and it is ADORABLE :)
LOW: I think that Claire may be a hoarder :(

Claire has been spending a lot of time in closet (which she calls her nest).  It is slowly spiraling out of control in there.  I am in the process of cleaning it up but it may take some time.

Due to the nest clean up, I have not taken any pictures today.  But I do have this picture from the other day.
Since we redid the dining room, we have been doing our best to keep Peter out of there. Well, as you can see it is not really working out for us.  He knows that he is not allowed in there and I swear he only goes in there when Mark is home to annoy him.  This is how he lays in there, again I think just to annoy Mark.

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