Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Friday, January 14, 2011 Boys

HIGH: Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house :)
LOW: I haven't finished the bookshelf yet :(

Not too much went on today.  We played, I painted, and we went to dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house.  Usually, I just take a ton of pictures and then decide what to write about based on my pictures.  Well, today after reviewing the pictures I have decided to write about boys.
Boys are very different than girls.  Oliver is very different from Claire.  Claire was patient and independent.  Oliver is a little more needy and well..not so patient.  Let me state that I love them both just the same!! That being said, boys are definitely different than girls.  Claire would play quietly with same toy for hours.  Oliver, on the other hand will play with a toy for a long time too but you HEAR him the whole time!  He is always babbling and then he will just scream for no reason.  No reason whatsoever just scream and then laugh.  I love it!  Claire has the same personality as her father and I think that Oliver is going to be more like me :)
Here two of some other Komo boys.
After a nice dinner, Daddy put Oliver (and himself) to sleep :)
I had a perfect girl.
And now I have a perfect boy.

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