Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Quart Low

HIGH:  Mark was home early and we had some fun outside :)
LOW:  Oliver is not feeling well :(

Today Oliver was not feeling well.  When we were kids my Dad used to say we were "just a quart low" when we were a little off because we were sick.  Well, today Oliver was a "quart low".  He just wanted to be held and sang too.   Even eating was tricky for the poor kid.  

Usually he has a blast playing with his "bugs" but as you can see, even they were no match for his stuffy nose.

Poor kid.

After I finally decided to give Oliver some much needed Tylenol he perked right up.  Claire had a blast serving him tea at their tea party.

He was having a blast.

Think he may have had a few too many.  Apparently no one told him to take it easy on the tea when your on Tylenol :)

1 comment:

Tammy said...

The Bumbo is where I too sit when I have too many "teas".....good call Ollie!