Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Little Family Time

HIGH:  Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's with the family :)

LOW: The weather is starting to get a little chilly :(

This morning we pretty much laid around in our jammies while I tried to take all my video clips and make them a movie, which did not go well.  Mackie (my computer) was not cooperating with me today.  But I think have since made up.  Anyway, after naptime we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa's for a family dinner (where Great Grandma made me my favorite ice cream cake mmmmmm).

Claire and Mark this morning. Claire was working on "her blog"
and Mark was  working on Mackie.

Claire and Grandma taking Owen for a walk.

Owen taking Claire for a walk.

Claire's hair after her walk looked AWESOME!  Even a hood cannot contain those curls!

Claire and Owen were having a blast chasing each other and rolling around in the grass.

I am pretty sure that our nice relaxing family parties are going to get a little crazy with these two around :)

Oliver and I hanging out.

Oliver loves to snuggle with Aunt Erin. 
She put him right to sleep!!

The ladies :)


Amanda said...

1. I think Mackie needs some new RAM! (hee, hee!)

2. I had to do a double-take of Oliver in that pic of you two! He looks like a 1 year old!!! But then he looks like a baby again in the next pic with Erin holding him.

3. Look at you with your sassy hair and outfit! Love it!

Tammy said...

So much to say about your blog but to sum it's awesome. Nice work SAHM.