Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Adventures In Grocery Shopping

HIGH:  The girls are coming over to watch the season finale of True Blood :)
LOW:  I had to go grocery shopping :(

Let me start by letting you all know that I HATE GROCERY SHOPPING!!  I don't just hate it, I loathe it.  Usually Mark does the shopping or we all go as a family.  But it's only fair as a part of my new job that I take care of it. 

So today I pull into the grocery store, park, get my cart, and snap Oliver's carseat into it.  Things are going well until I start to push the cart.  I realize at this point, I am waaayyyy too short to see over the carseat.  Oh well, there is nothing else I can do so I start shopping.  Well, within 4 minutes I have successfully knocked over a small display and knocked all of the gift cards off of a rack.  So I decide I should stop and reposition Oliver (who thank God is sleeping like an angel).  I try just putting the whole carseat into the basket part of the cart.  Perfect, fits like a charm.  So that was a fine idea until I had to start putting groceries into the cart.  Ok time to reposition the baby again.  Mind you I have been in the store for about 35 minutes at this point with about 5 groceries in the cart.  So I finally manage to snap the carseat onto the back of the cart, the long way (this sounds pretty dangerous but I promise you he was secure).  Wahoo...success.  Oliver is secure and there is plenty of room for the groceries.  

Now I am thinking ok, everyone is at work so this should be quick.  Well, apparently everyone over the age of 82 goes shopping at this time.  Which is fine, just slowed me down a bit but that's ok.  Until I get to the register and I have the SLOWEST cashier ever!  Oh and did I mention, if you go during the week in the middle of the day, everyone knows each other!  So now the slowest cashier ever (I almost called Guiness Book of World's Records) is chatting with all of her friends.  Fine, I am flipping through an US Weekly, no biggie.  Until Oliver wakes up and decides within a nano second that is he starving!!!    So I am trying to load the groceries on the belt and keep the binkie in his mouth (I am sweating at this point, literally sweating) and this wonderful 80 plus year old woman smiles at me and says, "Oh, he like the binkie huh?".  And I reply (while sweating) "He sure does."  To this she says "Well you shouldn't let him have it because it will ruin his teeth.  My nephew....."  I think you can guess how the rest of this conversation goes.  So I finally get out of the store, get Oliver safely in the car and pop the trunk only to find the double stroller taking up the entire trunk.  Somehow I get all the groceries loaded in, although I cannot see out of my rearview mirror and to other people I look like I live in my car.   Overall, I made it through.  It will get easier the more I go.  Right?!?!

On a better note, Oliver got a new hat today.  And who doesn't LOVE a new hat?!?!?

Seriously, I think he should be a hat model.  Then he will make millions and I could hire someone to grocery shop for me :)

Of course, Claire had to take a picture too.  As you can see, that didn't go so well.


Tammy said...

Such a great slice of life Natalie....
Btw, love Claire's attempt at being a "hat model photographer"!!!

Amanda said...

Ha, ha, ha! As I was loading up my TWO kids to go grocery shopping w/ me the other day, I was wondering if you had done the same yet. So consider yourself super duper lucky that you only have an infant to take w/ you! I take my baby bjorn carrier and plunk Sam in there and then put Poppy in the shopping cart. It's still very stressful, but the key is in the carrier!

Oh, and wait til I tell you what I got at the Care Connection!!! Let's just say there is a brand new invention that helps keep the binky in (especially in the carseat and stroller!!!) and I've found a cure for all baby gas!

Such a cute pic of OJ!