Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sunday, October 10, 2010 How Do You Like Them Apples

How Do You Like Them Apples??

HIGH: It was a beautiful day to go apple picking :)
LOW:  There was not enough time in the day to do everything that we wanted to do :(

Today was a gorgeous day and Claire was feeling MUCH better so we decided to go apple picking!!  

This was our first time apple picking so we had no idea what we were doing.  But people were very friendly and helpful.  Everything was kinda picked over but we found one super good tree and went to town!!  Claire loved every second of this trip!

This was Oliver's contribution to the trip!  I forgot the chip for my camera but after calming down Mark pointed out that my super cool new phone takes pictures too!  This picture was taken with my phone, not too shabby.

 Oliver loves the baby carrier, he really felt like he was a part of things.

This place was adorable.  Claire was pumped that there were cows just hanging out.

 You could feed the cows apples.  They loved it!!!  It was kinda scary though!  The cows were really friendly and they didn't bite the apples out of your hand they kinda licked them out (which felt really weird).

 There were goats too.  They were kinda boring but Claire loved them just the same.

 The turkeys were fun.  They reminded me of little old men with their wrinkly faces.  I was nervous for Claire though because when I was a kid a turkey grabbed my lip through the wire at the zoo and wouldn't let go (jerk turkey).

Claire loved the little hay maze.  

Claire got some great apples.

She loved the idea that she could just eat them right off the tree (although I felt a little funny about it, I am not sure how clean those apples are but...when in roam...).

Oliver loved relaxing in his stroller and just taking it all in.

Until we kicked him and Claire out of the stroller so that we could load it up with our loot.

Claire was so proud to help her Daddy today.

She loved sorting through the apples and putting them in the bag.

I told her that she could pick out any 6 gourds that she wanted (they were 6 for a dollar) and she took this VERY seriously.  We were at this bin for like 20 minutes and she sorted through a billion gourds finding the perfect 6.

Overall, it was just a perfect day.  We had a great time!!  I can't wait until Oliver can join in with us next year :)

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