Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friday, October 15, 2010 Happy Birthday Mark!

Happy Birthday Mark!

LOW:  Mark has to work late on his special day :(

Today was Mark's birthday!!  He is the big 35!!  I got him a super awesome new phone like mine (mainly so that he will stop using my phone all day long) and Claire bought him her own special present.  I took Claire to Rite Aid today and she could pick out anything in the store for Daddy's birthday.

After perusing the aisles of Rite Aid for about 30 minutes and choosing 1,000 different things, Claire finally settled on these Nerf guns.  Some of the initial gifts were light bulbs, a ceramic Christmas House, binoculars, and a some sponge letters.  I think the big selling point of this toy was that there were two guns and as Claire pointed out "OHHH then Daddy can share with me!" 

Since this gift was from Claire and Oliver (but he can't really help yet), Claire wanted to do everything by herself.  I showed her where the birthday cards were and she picked this one for Daddy.

When we got home she went in the basement and chose this wrapping paper from our collection and started to wrap the present (I did cut the paper for her).

Pretty impressive wrap job.

Then Claire signed her name on the card.

Then Oliver signed his name on the card (with a little help from Claire).

When Daddy got home Claire could not wait to give him his present.  Poor guy didn't even get his coat off!

She was thrilled when he opened the card.

But she was even more excited when Daddy opened his gift (which she pointed out right away that they could share).

We went out this evening for some birthday fun and we had a great time.  Notice that the decorations kinda looked like Mark :)

I had to add this video in.  Claire is trying to play with her toys and Pete is laying on her stuff.  

Poor Pete.

1 comment:

Aunt Di said...

The pat on the BOOTIE always does the trick!!