Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Monday, October 25, 2010 Crafts and Costumes

Crafts and Costumes
HIGH: Today Claire and I made some great crafts :) AND It was Claire's Halloween party at dancing :)
LOW: Still waiting on a new fridge :(

Today Claire and I stayed in our jammies all day and made some Halloween crafts.  We made an adorable Halloween gingerbread house.  Which turned out to be waaayyyy more work that I thought it was going to be, but Claire loved it so it was worth it. 

Usually when we do a project like this I am very bossy and I want Claire to do exactly what I would do.  But, today I let her do whatever she wanted and the house came out adorable!
Claire took the whole thing VERY seriously.
This whole thing came in a box and I thought it would be sooo easy.  Yeah, it was a lot more work than I thought it would be, and a lot messier!
Claire asked me to put a letter O on the roof for Oliver and a C for Claire.
Then she wanted an M for Mommy and a D for Daddy.

The final product, front and back.
Then, of course, she ate half of the frosting.
Then we relaxed and watched a little Baby Einstein before Claire's nap (well I cleaned up the disaster while they relaxed).
After Claire's nap we got all dressed up in her costume and headed to her dancing Halloween party.  This is her "Bunny Face".
Claire and her friend Ava.  Claire was thrilled that Ava was Princess Belle.
Bella, Claire, and Ava stick together at dance class.  Claire even had to make special treat bags for her best friends :)

The girls had a blast doing their special Halloween dance.
Gee...do you think someone was kissin' on her brother??

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