Sunday, October 3, 2010

Saturday, October 2, 2010 Green Beans and The Exerciser

HIGH:  Nothing to do all day :) AND Daddy was home all day :)
LOW:  The weather was yucky so we couldn't play outside :(

Today we just laid around all day (Oliver never even got out of his pjs).  We played games, read our Halloween books, and relaxed.  Claire and I did take a trip to the candle store to get some fall scented candles.  She was hilarious the whole time we were there.  She took choosing the right scent very seriously.  Claire also talked me into getting a new Halloween decoration :)

Oliver had a big day today.  Today he started having green beans.  He LOVED them!!!  Not only did Oliver start green beans today, Daddy also set up his exersaucer or exerciser as Claire calls it.  And, of course Claire was right there to help her Daddy.

Oliver lovin' his green beans :)  I swear this kid is starving!  I cannot feed him enough!!!!

Claire helping her Daddy put together the exerciser.

Every step of the way Claire was there to lend a hand.
Don't you just love my cupboards?

The moment of truth.  Will Oliver like it?  Or won't he?
Yes, Claire is dressed like a witch.  I told you she is taking this Halloween stuff very seriously.


He loves it!!!

And of course Pete is not too far away from the action.

Remember when I said Claire was really into Halloween?  Here is a quick video of her explaining (in her witch costume) how she wants to scare us.  Can you see why we call her Sheri O'terri??


amy said...

Oh My God!! That was hilarious!!!

Jacqie said...

I think I just pittled ... she is too funny!!!!!

Amanda said...

Love it! Especially when she says "becaaaauuuse..."

Sara said...

Omg I can not get enough of that video it is hilarious!!!!