Sunday, August 23, 2009

Saturday, August 29th, 2009 Pig Roast

High: Pig Roast :)
Low: We missed a family party :(

Today was a Pig Roast at my parents' club. My mother planned the event and "hired" Mark as the DJ (yep, add that to the list of things that Mark does). We had a really good time! The only problem was that it fell on the same day as Brian and Erin's annual summer party, so we could not go. But Claire still went with Grandma and Grandpa and she had a blast. Hopefully I can get some pictures from Grandma or Erin to post. I did get one picture of Claire in her party dress before she left.

Here are some pictures from the Pig Roast:

Everything looked great once it was all set up. But I gotta say, as much as I enjoy a delicious pig roast.... after seeing this last picture, I had a rough time eating. Poor Piggie :(

My mother did a great job setting everything up!

Poor Dad and Sue had the job of separating a thousand necklaces :(

My two favorite boys.

Greg and Suzie.

There was a graduation party going on in the next room and they had a Barbershop Quartet. They were really cute.

DJ Mark

My Mom and her "Peeps".

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