Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Out With The Old....

High: I got my classroom set up today :)
Low: Claire had two accidents today :(

Thesd day has finally arrived. The day that I have been putting off all summer long. The day to set up my new classroom. I have taught in the same room for 5 years now (in the best hall ever with all of my buddies, who I will miss with all of my heart). And finally.... my room got moved. While it was a good thing, because in unpacking my room today I noticed there was A LOT of useless stuff crammed onto shelves and I got rid of it. Out with the old and in with the new! But overall it was a big pain because...IT'S STILL SUMMER FOR A FEW MORE DAYS....I AM NOT READY....I DON'T WANNA GO BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Really though, I am looking forward to going to back to work (I know isn't it weird). I love teaching, I work with an awesome group of people, and I still get to spend a lot of time with my family. Really it's the best of both worlds so I cannot complain.

Here is what I walked into at 9:30 am this morning:

And here is how it looked at 2:45pm when I was finished (with some help from the best hubbie IN THE WORLD! :)

AHHHH! Done! Well, I am going to stop in on Thursday to hang up some decorations, but that's the fun part! I am excited about my new room, I can't wait to fill it with fun and learning (that sounded super cheesy)!

Just a few shots of Claire (the grumpiest two year old on the block today). Claire was exhausted today after school. She just wanted to go to bed, at like 4 o'clock!! The poor thing! But she loved her bath today! Bathtime is undoubtedly my favorite time of the day. I love the way Claire smells after her bath, and her hair always looks so cute. Her curls are so nice and soft!

Grumpy or not....this kid is the best!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Woah! Talk about being productive today!!! The room looks awesome! (and so do Claire's curls!)

Poppy is super excited about tomorrow!