Monday, August 31, 2009

Farewell Sweet Summer

High: A perfect day at the zoo :)
Low: It's the last day of summer :(

Seeing as it is the last day of summer vacation I feel compelled to write a poem:

Farewell Sweet Summer.
It's really a bummer,
That it has to be done,
Though its been fun.
There was sun, cold, and rain,
Which was really a pain.
There was the beach, park, and the fair
We went from diapers to underwear.
There was staying up late,
There were lots of play dates.
There were lessons in swim,
There was running to the zoo on a whim.
There is too much to write
For I must say goodnight.
Tomorrow is the first day of school.
Although a snowday would be cool.

On this last day of summer vacation (although it felt like the middle of fall) we decided to throw dinner in the crockpot and spend the day at the zoo. It was perfect zoo weather. Sunny and favorite!

Look at that sky! It was a perfect fall day :)

Today Claire rode the Merry-Go-Round on her own horse, Ruby.

Claire was practicing her modeling at the fountain.

Today Claire made her first wish at a fountain. Although, I am not sure that she fully understood. I told her "you have to make a wish and then throw the penny in." And she threw in her penny and yelled "I MAKE A WISH AND THROW THE PENNY IN!" Hey, at least her wish came true ;)

Yes, we are dressed alike like big dorks! I totally did not do that on purpose. But, I must say...we looked pretty hot!

Claire is starting to get sick of being in her stroller she was only in there for about 1/2 of our trip. The other half she wants to push it.

Mark and Claire takin a break.

We finished up our trip to the zoo with our annual Choo-Choo Train ride.

Stay tuned because while I may not blog everyday, I still plan on blogging. Also, there may be a new look to the will have to check in to find out!!!!

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