Sunday, August 2, 2009

Lamb Roast

High: Friends of ours had a Lamb Roast :)
Low: Claire skipped her nap today, so she wasn't her usual self :(

Friends of ours have a Lamb Roast every year and we love to go! This year Claire loved to follow around the bigger kids.

Claire and Lexi. Lexi just wanted to help Claire with everything, it was really sweet!

Baby Riley just hung out in his stroller. This worked out nicely for us because Claire missed her nap and we talked her into relaxing like Riley.

Gabe (who is 8) loved pushing Claire around on the scooter. He was so sweet with her and of course Claire was smitten with him.

Claire just kept following him around. I told Gabe that he didn't need to play with her the whole time and that he could go play with the big kids. Gabe explained to me that it was ok because " I like seeing Claire happy." It was so sweet!!

Claire went to bed really early tonight due to the lack of nap. But before bed we played in the family room for a while. Daddy kept pretending that he was asleep and Claire did not like it one bit. She was very worried about him. I will end with a little video of Claire taking care of her Daddy.

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