Monday, August 24, 2009

A Nice Walk

High: Nana and Papa came over for a nice walk in the neighborhood :)
Low: We were gonna go to the zoo today but we got too lazy :( - which really wasn't a bad thing ;)

Today was lazy. We had big plans to go to the zoo but before we knew it, it was too late. Oops! But we had a great day just the same!

Here is Claire after her nap. I wanted to take her picture because she is always so cute after her nap. So of course she smiles like this...doesn't she look adorable? Well, seconds after this picture was taken Claire informed me that she took off her shorts AND her pullup. And of course she peed all over her bed. Excellent. But...come on adorable is that smile?!

Then Nana and Papa came over to take a nice walk around the neighborhood.

First, Nana pushed Claire on her bike.

Then Daddy pushed Claire on her bike.

Then Claire decided that she was going to push the bike by herself.

Finally, Claire decided to abandon the bike altogether and walk with Nana and Papa.

Claire finished the evening off watching Max and Ruby with Daddy while having a little snack.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Love the post-nap look, too cute! And the peeing story cracks me up - hey, at least she's honest!

And that must have been a good max and ruby episode, Mark looks really into it.