Wednesday, August 5, 2009


High: Claire's friend Bella came over to play :)
Low: I realized today that Claire is growing up too quickly :(

Today was one of those days. After breakfast we just sat around outside, took a few walks, and just talked while enjoying the sunshine. It was during this relaxing time that I realized something. Something devastating. Claire is going to grow up. Now I know that this sounds silly, what parent doesn't want their child to grow up?! Let me explain. While we were outside Claire wanted to know what everything was, how everything happened, why everything was the way it was and so on. No matter what my answer was, she believed me. If I sat on the driveway and took off my flip flops, Claire wanted to take off her flip flops.

If Mark leaned against the car, Claire wanted to lean against the car.

She looks up to us. She needs us. She thinks we are brilliant and funny. It was at this point that I realized this will not last forever. Claire will turn into a teenager. The "Mama come play wit me." will turn into "Oh my god mom, leave me alone I'm busy". The "Open the door mama let me in" will turn into the door slamming followed by "You just don't understand me!!! Leave me alone!!". Mark and I will no longer be looked up to. We will no longer be needed. We will definitely no longer be brilliant or funny. We will be parents...losers who have no idea what life is like. So, cherish it all now. Everything. Because before I know it I will just be another dorky parent trying to explain to Claire "when I was your age...". Until then I will cherish every second of being looked up to, needed, brilliant, and funny. I will cherish every question, no matter how many times it is asked. I will cherish every time she wants to come with me somewhere, even if it is in the bathroom. I will cherish every time she wants one more story, no matter what time it is. I will cherish every time she asks me "play toys wit me Mama", even if I am in the middle of something. I will cherish every time Claire says "uppy Mama", even if I just put her down or my arms are full. All of it, I will cherish it.....while it lasts.

OR....she could always think we are the best!!! RIGHT?!

On a much happier note, Claire's friend Bella came over to play today. They are a little less than a year apart. It is nice because they are finally playing together. They were so sweet today. Here are some pics of these hot mamas playing.

These two and their curls!

They had a blast playing "doggies".

Claire and Bella working on their art.


Amanda said...

Hey, you KNOW I hear ya about cherishing every moment - hence I'm dreading Sept.

And those girls do have some serious curls between the 2 of them!

amy said...

that was so cute...i almost cried.

Diane Walczak said...

Natalie, You are right on the money, I am living it now. Take your own advise and CHERISH every moment, it goes fast. Aunt Di.

Jacqie said...

that picture of Bella and Claire on the chair is soooo cute!!!!!

Jacqie said...
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