Thursday, August 6, 2009

New Specs

High: I got new glasses :) AND We had a playdate with friends this evening :)
Low: Claire had two accidents today :(

I finally went and got new glasses today. Recently I was diagnosed with the "Dry Eye". So, unfortunately I cannot wear my contacts all the time and I must wear my glasses. Seeing as my old glasses were about 6 years old and all messed up, I finally went to get some new specs. I figured this was going to be a project but I found a great pair right away! Also, I got some fancy sunglasses (which I am super pumped about).

After we picked up Claire from school we went to our friends' for dinner. Claire had a blast playing with the big kids.

Claire loved playing in the sandbox.

Claire had a blast playing rock band.

So did the Daddies.

Claire had a blast playing with all the cool toys!

Then Claire got a little sleepy and loved being snuggled by Kaitlyn.

Even Matty wanted to snuggle Claire a little bit!

All the kids!!

Then Claire got a second wind and kept kissing Andrew!!!!

She wanted to kiss up Kaitlyn too!


Amanda said...

Wow, nice specs! And sunglasses too?!

Looks like it was a fun playdate!

Anonymous said...

I'm getting some fancy sunglasses that I'm super pumped about too! They are actually transition lenses in sunglass frames, which the girls at the eye doctors thought was so histerical, so I had to explain that they are for playing golf!(and driving at night) Miss you guys.


amy said...

hhhhmmmm did someone pull off a sunglasses scam. Cute pics. I love Mark Biehler's(sp?) face in the rock band one!