Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Hangin Out At The Cottage

High: An evening at the cottage with Grandma and Grandpa :)
Low: The beach is a MESS :(

After I picked Claire up from school today we headed up to Grandma and Grandpa's cottage for the evening. The beach is open again but it is a MESS!! We took a nice walk down to the water to check out the damage (and the little playground).

Here are some pictures of the beach. It was a mess, there were huge tree trunks EVERYWHERE!!

There is a little playground on the beach and Claire was having a blast trying out all the
fun stuff!

Claire had fun swinging with Grandpa.

She had fun "swhingin wit grandma" too.

And Mommy too :)

Claire couldn't get enough of Grandpa today. Wherever he was Claire had to be right there with him. When she realized that he walked down the water she couldn't run to him fast enough!

At dinner Claire had to sit with Grandpa. When she had to go potty she told him "You come too Grandpa. You come in the batroom!"

After we got Claire's jammies on and we were getting ready to leave she kept telling me "It not dark outside. It no time for night nights." So I let her read a few stories to Grandma before we left.


Amanda said...

Glad you guys were still able to make it to the cottage. That's awesome that they have a little playground right on the beach! And how cute is Claire with her grandpa?!

Anonymous said...

Love the swing pictures! Marylou