Monday, August 6, 2012

The Beach Day 1

HIGH: We had a great time with the family at the beach :)
LOW: The kids skipped their naps so they were grumpy by the end of the night :(

This morning we packed up after swim lessons and headed to the beach.  This week is party week at my in law's cottage.  A lot of the family comes up and we hang out at the beach all day, it is awesome!
The kids love hanging out with their cousins at the beach!
 Today I let Claire go in the shallow end without her vest and by herself.  She was so excited.  She rolled around in the water and sang and talked to herself.  It was adorable!  I can't believe how old she is now!  I remember going to the beach when she was only two!!  Click HERE to check her out!
The kids LOVE to see Owen at the beach!  Here is my handsome nephew!!
It is so nice to have all the family in one place!  
Claire loved catching up with Silly Boy.  She was super shy with him at first and then after a while we couldn't get her away from him!!  They have been buddies since she was little.  Click HERE to check them out!
Oliver loved playing in the water with me.  I kept finding rocks for him to throw and he was thrilled when I showed him how to reach down and grab them himself. Thanks Aunt Nancy for taking this picture!!
We skipped the kids' naps so they were beat by the end of the night.  After a few meltdowns and a poop explosion (thank God Grandma and Grandpa have a warm water feature on their hose) it was time to head home.  The kids didn't make it very far before passing out.  

We can't wait to head back there tomorrow!!


Amanda said...

So cool that you guys get to spend so much time at the beach! I love that pic of you and Oliver playing in the water!

Sara said...

Crazy to look back and see how little Claire was!!!!