Thursday, August 16, 2012

Edited Pics

HIGH: I got a lot of work done in my classroom today :)
LOW: I didn't take any pictures today :(

Today I worked in my classroom while the kids were in school.  I got a lot done and I am getting excited about starting the school year!!  Since I didn't get any pictures of the kids today I thought I would post some of the pictures that I have edited.  Usually I post the pictures before I edit them so today I thought I would post a few that I already worked on.

Let me start by saying that I am a huge fan of normal well taken shots.  I have really worked hard on getting the "perfect shot" that does not need to be edited.  Sometimes I feel that overediting pictures makes them lose their magic.  But sometimes simple editing makes them beautiful.  I have a hard time editing my pictures because I am colorblind so it is hard for me make them the "right shade".  That being said here are some of the pictures that I have played with.
I will start with this one.  I love the simplicity of this picture but it needed something.
So I played around with the black and white balance and I came up with this. I was much happier with the effect of this than the original.
This picture is from Mother's Day.  Claire looks adorable but I wanted to make the color pop a little more.
So I played around with some effects and came up with this.  I felt that the color boost added a little something that was missing from the original.
Here is Claire at the beach back in May.  I love her sass in the picture but as much as I love Sara and Oliver I felt that they took away from my Sassy Mama.
So I cropped them out :)  Also, I made the water a little more blue so that Claire stood out in her yellow bikini.  Due to my colorblindness I am not sure if the blue is too blue, usually Mark checks the pictures for me but he didn't check this one :)
I love this picture of Claire at the beach as it is.  Like I said, I am usually a raw picture kind of girl.
But I played with some features and came up with this and I love this too.
 These are some of my favorites.  We took pictures of the kids being held up with their balloons.
Then I cropped out the people holding them to make it look like they were floating.
Here is Oliver with Mark.
And then Oliver all alone.
Here is Claire and Giada at Jellystone.  Again, I love everything about this picture.  But I felt like it just wasn't right.
So I did this to make it look more sweet and simple, just like my girls.
Here  is Oliver riding his bike at Nana and Papa's house.  I love his face in this picture!
But I wanted it to be more about him so I cropped the picture and boosted some of the color to show his baby blues.
Now this one of Oliver is beautiful.  How could it not be, look at that face!  Plus the lighting was amazing!!
But I hated the doritos around his mouth and the drool on his shirt.  So I edited that out and made it black and white.  I love this.
Same with this one.  Seriously, how handsome is this kid (with his vampire teeth).
I did the best I could to get rid of the doritos but I got the drool out.  I like the way his hair looks in the black and white too.
Then I liked this effect.  Even though it really brings out the orange from the doritos but hey that's my boy!

Like I said, I prefer I nicely lite regular picture but I am playing around with editing them to get that little something extra!

1 comment:

Sara said...

All these pics are awesome...great job!!!! Maybe once I'm done with school you can teach me!! :) However, me and Oliver a little bitter that you edited us out, but we will let it go this time!!! ;)