Friday, August 17, 2012

Windy Day

HIGH: Another day at the beach :)
LOW: It was SUPER windy :(
Today I was bound and determined to go the beach.  Even though it was rainy all morning the forecast said it was going to clear up and there was NOTHING stopping me from going to the beach!  Summer is almost over and I want to get in as much summer stuff as I can!
We had a great time just hanging out on the beach.  It was really windy and a bit chilly but that didn't stop us from having a blast!
After our fun on the beach Oliver took a nap and Claire relaxed while we waited for Grandpa to get home from work.  Once he got home we headed up to the restaurant for some dinner.
After dinner the kids wanted to play on the huge anchor.
Oliver loved it!
Claire climbed up on the rock in front of the anchor and yelled "Hey Mom, get a shot of me on the rock!"
She loved climbing up the big anchor.
Oliver tried so hard to climb up the anchor like his big sister but he needed a little help from Grandma.
He was so proud when he made it to the "top".
The kids had a blast!  My kids love the beach!  We always have a great time there.  They are two little beach bums.  Just like their Grandma :) When it was time to leave Claire started crying begging to stay.  Even Oliver said "I stay.  No home.  I stay at da beach!"  Thanks Grandma and Grandpa for another great day at the beach!!

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