Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bus Practice

HIGH: Today Claire did great at her "bus practice" :) AND We got all of her school supplies :)
LOW: Claire's friends from Doodlebugs are not in her class :(
Today our school district had bus rides set up so the the kids could practice riding the bus.  It was really nice because the bus driver explained all the rules of the bus to the kids before they went on their ride.  Claire was so excited to go for a ride.
My little peanut climbing on the bus.
Oliver had a blast too.  The driver let Mark take him on the bus so that he could check it out too.  When the bus pulled away Oliver gave us his own little surprise to take care of :)
 Claire loved the bus ride!  We saw a few of her friends from her pre-school but we found out that they have different teachers :(  But Claire told me "It's ok Mom, I am sure that I will see them on the playground or something.  I will just make new friends."  She is the best. 
After the bus ride, we went and got Claire all of her new school supplies. Here is her new rest rug.  I had the SAME kind that I had when I was a kid!  I was so excited when I found this one!! We had a blast picking out all of her new stuff.  She is soooo excited to start Kindergarten!!

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