Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Family Time At The Zoo

HIGH: Yesterday we had a nice day at the Zoo :)
LOW: I have been a little behind on blogging because I have been so busy :(
Yesterday we had a great day at the Zoo with Grandma, Aunt Erin, and Owen.
The kids loved the sea lion!  Oliver carried his little fake camera around and took pictures of everything.  And Owen was also super into taking pictures with Erin's real camera.  The boys were so cute.
Oliver taking some pictures.
We always have so much fun when we get the kids together.
Grandma took the kids on the carousel and they had a blast.
My  kids love the Zoo.  They will sit and watch the animals for hours.  I love these kids.
This is our best attempt at a group shot.
Owen had a blast!  Our kids are all BFFs and I love it!
Here is our best attempt at a group shot with Grandma.
We ended our trip with our traditional train ride.
The kids were thrilled because they rode alone.
Oliver was so happy to be hanging out with the big kids.
It was another great day at the Zoo.  The kids loved spending the day with Owen so being at the Zoo was just an added bonus!


Sara said...

Looks like fun day at the zoo!!! They are all so cute together!!! :) 15

amy said...

I love Claire's hair in there pictures! Looks like a fun day!