Tuesday, August 7, 2012

The Beach Day 2

HIGH: Another great day at the beach :)
LOW:  It was a little windy :( and my legs got a little burned :(

Today was another great day at the beach.  Claire and Owen had a blast swimming and getting cozy.
They loved gathering sticks to build...whatever this is :)
While Oliver enjoyed drinking his YooHoo and digging up sand to put in his dump truck to create a huge pile of sand.
While the adults enjoyed relaxing in the sun and chatting.
Owen was hilarious today!  He had to go pee so I told him "Honey, just go sit in the water and go pee."  He walked away as soon as I said that and did this ever to casually.
We were all shouting to stop but he couldn't hear us over the wind.  Here is Erin running up to stop him while I took pictures :)  It was hilarious!!!
Claire's hair was all over the place and she wouldn't let me pull it up but she was thrilled when Jenna offered to french braid her hair.
I think she may have dozed off while Jenna was doing her hair.
Great Grandma and Great Grandpa came up today with their best friends Ruth and Norm.  They are so sweet and we loved seeing them.  The kids loved seeing them as well.  So much so that when they headed back to the cottage the kids actually wanted to leave the beach and go with them.
When we got back to the cottage Claire and Owen relaxed and played some DS and Leap Frog games.  Claire and Owen play so nice together, it is so sweet to see.  They kept going to their "Special Place" which is just a nook behind the garage.  They got chairs out and hung out back there for a while.
Oliver loved playing with Jenna and showing her how all of his toys work.
And Claire loved hanging out with Silly Boy.  She kept asking him to show her the RV or as she called the VA.  She is slightly obsessed with Silly Boy, it is adorable.
The kids loved watching the Olympics with the big kids, which Claire informed me were not big kids but "her friends" :)
Of course Claire got cozy with Silly Boy.
And Jenna did Oliver's hair too :)

When we put the kids to bed when got home Claire told us that she can't wait to go back tomorrow!!  We all love going to the beach with the family!!

1 comment:

Sara said...

Owen peeing in the water is hilarious!!!!!!! I can't believe I missed that!!!