Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Marigold "Spooktacular" 2013

HIGH: I had a great time golfing in the Marigold today :)
LOW: I missed my babies :(
Today I golfed in the Marigold Spooktacular at Shorewood.  We had a great time and I didn't do too bad for only golfing once a year!
Here is our team!  We were "The Bitches Of Salem" or "The Pussycats".
We had a blast and we came in first in our flight for the second year in a row!
Kitty and Dawn went to the club the night before and decorated our carts.  They came out so cute!
Here is our team with "The Treeman".  He hid in the trees and jumped out to scare people on their carts, it was hilarious!
At one of the holes you could stop and play Black Jack.  If you won a hand then your name got put into a pot to be picked later.  I WON!!  I won $60!!
My Mom and Dawn.
On two of the holes you could stop and Trick or Treat!  They had all kinds of treat bags.  Some had a treat (a little prize), or a trick (toothpaste and preparation H), or a Mulligan.
This was my best drive of the day!  
Kitty did a great job coaching me (the whole team did) and with her help I didn't do too bad!
Our carts looked hilarious when we were driving around the course.
My Mom.  I am so glad that she invites me to play in this tournament every year, we really have a great time!
After we golfed we had to take everything off the carts.  It was sad to take it all looked so cute!
Back at the bar the bartender made some great drinks in his cauldron!

We really had a great time!  I can't wait to see what the theme is next year!!!

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