Thursday, July 4, 2013


HIGH: It was Claire's birthday and we had a great day celebrating :)
LOW: The weather was a little yucky :(
Yesterday was Claire's 6th birthday!!  We started the day with my usual tradition of telling Claire the story of the day she was born.  She loves to hear this story.  Her favorite part is when everyone came in to see her minutes after she was born and her eyes were wide open and she looked at every single person.  After our story we all packed up and headed to the Y for a little family exercise.  After the Y the weather was gorgeous so we put on our suits and I hooked up the sprinkler and set up the water table.
The kids were literally playing for 4 seconds when the sky clouded over and it started to pour!  So the kids just played in the rain and I added to it by spraying them with the hose. The kids loved it!
The grabbed their buckets and tried to fill them up with the hose water.
They just kept yelling "SPRAY US!!  IT'S THE BEST BIRTHDAY EVER!!"  We did this for 30 minutes straight.
After we cleaned up I put Oliver down for a nap and Claire and I got ready to go for our birthday pedicures.  Claire was so excited to go to a grown up spa and be pampered.
She loved her pedicure and getting glittery nail polish.  I loved getting pampered too!!
Her little toes came out adorable!!
After we were done we sat with our toes in the dryers and drank our hot chocolate (cappuccino for me) and chatted.  I asked her if she would have rather have gone to a kiddie spa that was more for kids her age.  She quickly replied, "No way!  This is the best!  I love this place!  I feel so grown up!!  And if we went to the kiddie place, you wouldn't be able to get a pedicure with me."  I love her.

After our spa time we headed home for Claire's family birthday party.  When the kids turn 3 they are allowed to pick out their own birthday cakes.  Here are some of Claire's past cakes...
Claire's third birthday cake.  Her Shrek cake.  This was by far the ugliest cake that I have ever seen but she LOVED it!!
Claire's fourth birthday cake.  She wanted an Elmo cake and when I asked her what she wanted written on it she told me, "Happy birthday Claire.  I love you Oliver."
Claire's fifth birthday cake.  Last year she wanted a Giving Tree theme, so this was the cake that she chose.
And this year..... JUST BIEBER!!!!
The family had a nice time visiting and eating.
Claire loved wearing her birthday hat the teachers gave her at Doodlebugs.
Making a wish.
Our best family picture from the day.
Then it was time for presents!!!  Claire was thrilled when she received her "Human Body" book and model.
Claire loved her new bike helmet!!  This was perfect timing because now she can ride her bike without training wheels!!
 Claire couldn't wait to dive into that human body!!
After all the presents the kids ran around and played.  By the end of the night Claire was exhausted!  She curled up with Grandpa and relaxed.

It was a wonderful day!  Claire really enjoyed celebrating birthday this year!  She is getting so grown up, I can't believe it!! 


amy said...

I can't believe she is 6!! She is getting so big. I love the Beiber cake too!

Sara said...

How can we ever forget the shrek cake?! And the cutest "I love you Oliver" cake!!! Happy 6th Birthday Claire!!!