Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Soccer And Trains

HIGH: Oliver had soccer tonight :)
LOW: The kids had school today and I missed them :(
Tonight Oliver had soccer and we had a great time watching him play (or should I say watching him play trains on the soccer field).  He is obsessed with playing trains lately (where he is actually the train) and this interfered with his soccer performance today.
 I believe that here he is either blocking the ball from the net or being a train.
We are also working on having him NOT use his hands while playing soccer. Here he is trying to score on Mark, using his hands of course.
Here is Oliver tending goal....or just playing with the net.
When it came time to play "the game" Oliver grabbed the coach's hand and ran with him.  The coach thought Oliver just wanted to play soccer with him. But we knew that Oliver was playing trains and unbeknownst to the coach, he was the freight car.
 Then Oliver kept checking the coach's watch and telling him "We play for one more minute and then we are all done."
Here is Oliver really hustling.....
because it was time for a water break.  This is his favorite part of the whole soccer experience.

Grandma and Grandpa came to cheer Oliver on today and then we all had a nice dinner at Moe's afterwards.  Oliver doesn't really quite grasp the whole soccer concept but, I will say this...he is a riot to watch.  And above all else, he is having a BLAST!

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