Sunday, July 14, 2013

Claire's Friend Birthday Party

HIGH: Today was Claire's friend birthday party :)

Today was Claire's friend birthday party at the Y.  Claire had a great time with all of her friends!  She was so excited that her friends from school AND her playdate friends were going to be there.
Claire wanted a bee theme for this party.  It was hard to have a theme at the Y so I just sent out bee invitations and made bee treat bags (don't mind the bag in front to the right, that was the first one I cut).
Claire had so much fun swimming with her friends.
Nicholas was so cute playing in the water.  I can't get enough of this face!!
The Y supplies the cake and candles so we got a delicious ice cream cake.  Apparently, I am the only person who has asked for an extra good luck candle.  I find that hard to believe!
My big 6 year old opening her presents.
Can you tell that two teachers were running the party.
Claire and her buddy Jacob. Poor Jacob was the only boy from Claire's class that came, he didn't seem to mind.
Claire and Mia.
Claire and Halie.

Claire had a great time with all of her friends. I still can't believe she is 6!!!

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