Sunday, April 26, 2020

Day 42

Yesterday the weather was gorgeous so I put on my music and went for my 4 mile walk through the village.  It was so sad to see all of the closed signs on some of the busiest places in the village.

 The village has flags up and down the street.  It is really nice to see OP trying to stay together. 

 It was really sad when I got to Green Lake and there were no kids playing there.  Usually on a day like this the place is packed with children playing.  Instead they took the nets down so kids don't gather to play basketball.
 The playground was also closed and it just looked so sad. 
 Some stores are still open but on for curbside pickup.
 It is so strange but quickly becoming a "new normal". One of the positives of my walk today was seeing all the families and people walking, biking, and enjoying the sunshine! 
 Oliver practiced his hockey for a while today.  I gave it try but apparently when you give me a hockey stick I think I am playing golf lol.
 Then we had a nice social distancing fire and my parents walked over (I swear my Dad is 6 feet away from Mark, I have no idea why they look so close in this picture).  It was the first time we have "hung out" with my parents in 42 days.  
It was nice to sit and visit, even if we couldn't hug them or sit too close.  Our neighbors were having a fire in their driveway too so it was fun to shout across the lawns and visit with them too.  We all enjoyed our crazy Saturday night!

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