Thursday, April 2, 2020

Day 17

Yesterday the weather was gorgeous (even though it was bit chilly) and we needed to get OUT of this house!
 Claire made up a week of activities and we dropped it off to her buddy Giada. So Giada made this for her yesterday!  I love their cute little surprises while they have to be apart!
 I couldn't be outside enough yesterday.  I ran, then went for a long walk, and then we all headed to Chestnut Ridge to take a nice hike!
 I was a little "off" yesterday but I think it was from two days in the house.  I think I forgot to remind myself of what I need to be grateful for.  Yesterday while we were walking at Chestnut Ridge (and I am not gonna lie, we were all a little on the grumpy side) Oliver reached up and held my hand.  He is nine and in 4th grade. His hand holding days may be coming to a close.  But yesterday he held my hand.  And for a while.  And it was wonderful. And THAT is what I need to focus on right now.  This is all terrible and stressful and full of so many emotions BUT we never would have been at Chestnut Ridge yesterday and Oliver would never have held my hand if we weren't in this terrible situation.  Claire and I have been working out together and baking and watching tv shows and talking so much.  And that wouldn't be happening if we weren't in this horrible situation.  So I choose to focus on THAT.
 Claire is also becoming a master baker!  She has been perfecting her chocolate chip cookies!
These were seriously amazing!!!!!  I am so proud of her!

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