Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Day 38

I didn't get any pictures yesterday.  I spent a lot of time on schoolwork.  This whole thing has been insane for us teachers.  I know it is hard for families to get their work done and help their children.  I am trying to do it too!  But, I still want my students to feel connected to me and to school.  I also still want them to have stuff to work on to keep those skills up. 
I have been making a lot of videos for my kids.  I feel like that helps both of us.  It keeps me busy and they can still see me teach.  This whole thing has been so crazy and there is no right way to do this.  I am sure that some parents feel that I am doing too much and  others that feel like I am not doing enough.  I just hope they all know that EVERYTHING that I am doing is out of love and it is all for your children until we can be together again.  It hard with other teachers too. Since there is no right way to do this, some of us feel the need to "keep up" with others.  I hear these amazing things that my teachers friends are doing and I feel like I should be doing that too.  But, we all have to remember that each of our rooms always ran differently and that is ok.  We just have to keep doing what WE can for our students. This is hard. Super hard. It is stressful. Super stressful.  And I feel like everywhere I look people are blasting teachers for sending too much and overwhelming parents.  I keep reading posts about parents being "over it" when it comes to the kids' school work.  And I take it super personally, even though I know that I shouldn't.  No teacher out there expects everyone to get it all done. We are meeting mandates from the districts and the state.  We just ask what we always have, stay positive about school.  Your kids will feed off of your energy and if they sense your distaste for school, they will feel the same way. 

 I miss my kids, I miss my school, I miss my friends, I miss it all. 

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