Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Day 37

 Yesterday Claire and I walked (and walked and walked and walked).  It was so nice to have a walking buddy!

 Our first walk, we walked 4 miles.  We walked up through the village and passed Claire's school.  My heart breaks for her (and all the kids out there).  She has been so great throughout this whole thing but the poor kid misses her friends, and school, and sports (especially sports).  It stinks.  She kept talking about how she would be walking with her friends to Panera after school and how she would be at practice right now.  It just breaks my heart.
 After dinner we headed over to Chestnut Ridge for another 2 mile walk.  I love being outdoors but seeing the playgrounds closed is so sad.
Grandma and Grandpa met us and we walked together.  Six feet apart the whole time!  It was so nice to visit with them in our "new normal" way. I can't wait until we can all just be together!  But I have to keep reminding myself, we will get there and this is what is best for now.

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