Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Day 31

 Yesterday I was able to get into school for 15 minutes and get some supplies that I needed for this whole distance learning thing.  I was so excited to have somewhere to go and I couldn't wait to go in.  Then I got there...and I was super sad.  I have really not been sad this whole time.  I have really enjoyed being with my family and staying in my little bubble.  I think going back into the "real world" messed me up a bit.  I stood in my classroom and I was just sad.  I wanted to be going to work and waiting for my students to come in. I miss working, I miss the gym, I miss our Friday nights at Moes. I miss it all and I could go on for hours.  I snapped out of it and loaded up my car. Then cried on the way home.  Then cried in the driveway and I let myself be sad for a bit.  Then I cleaned myself up and went back in the house and back into my bubble.  I reminded myself how lucky we have been throughout this whole thing and pushed myself to see the positive side of this situation that I cannot control. 
 Mark made dinner and he made his special pudding (which is just pudding with fruit and chocolate in it) and the kids made me laugh. 
 We laughed a lot during dinner.  And it was perfect.  I tried not to let them see me cry but they asked me how school went and they could tell something was wrong.  And they were amazing.  They made me laugh and suggested a game night.
And it was perfect.  Super perfect.  I am lucky to have these people to be stuck with right now and I love them so much!  I am back to my positive self but I have decided to stay in my bubble for a bit longer.

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