Sunday, April 5, 2020

Day 20

I didn't take too many pictures yesterday.  Since it was the weekend we had some extra time on our hands.  I did a lot of reading, Claire did some baking, Mark worked on real estate stuff, and Oliver played outside and caught up on Fortnite.
 I never thought I would hear myself say this, but during this whole thing I have been happy that Oliver has Fortnite.  He gets to play with a bunch of his friends every day while playing and that makes me happy.  I don't care for the game and I definitely don't want him playing that much, but it is nice that he can play with all of his friends during this time when he can't see any of them.
 Last night we had a "Zoom Birthday party" to celebrate Jessica's 40th birthday! This is the only picture that we have but we had fun.  It was so fun to see my girls and catch up.  This whole "zoom" thing has been so great during this time!  It really felt like we were all hanging out together!

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