Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Night Walk

HIGH: We finally picked out our counter top for our new kitchen :)
LOW: There was not enough time to get everything that we wanted to do finished :(

Yesterday the kids went to Doodlebugs while Mark and I picked out more stuff for the new kitchen.  Claire got to go on another field trip.  This time she went bowling and thought it was the coolest thing ever.  She loves going on these field trips.  She loves being with her friends and she can't wait to take me, Mark, and Oliver and show us all these new places.

After we picked up the kids from school we headed over to Nana and Papa's for dinner and some swimming.  Of course, I forgot the memory card so I didn't get any pictures.  
 After Nana and Papa's we decided to go for a "Night Walk" around the block.  The kids always think this is the coolest thing. Oliver is amazed by being outside in the dark!  It was a great way to end a great day!

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