Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Playing Games

Today we just hung out at home and relaxed.  It was so nice to just hang out and play some games with nothing else to do!  This morning Mark took each of the kids for a run separately.  The kids didn't go in the stroller they each actually ran.  It was really cute.  Claire was really into "keeping her time" just like Daddy and Oliver just liked running.
After breakfast Mark, Claire, and Oliver had fun playing with their block set.  Mark and I call it Mouse Trap (remember that game?!) because it has all kinds of tracks with marbles.  They had a blast putting together different set ups and watching their marbles go through the mazes.
 Auntie Kate stopped over for a visit (spoiling the kids, as usual with McDonalds).  Claire was thrilled when we all sat down to play Ladybugs, a game that was invented by a first grader (and as we played the game it was clearly evident that a first grader invented it).
Then Miss Amy stopped over later to give Oliver his birthday present.  
Oliver was thrilled with his new dinosaur shirt and huge orange ball!!  Thank you Miss Amy for the awesome birthday presents!!!

It was a great day of just doing nothing and hanging out at home!  It was so  nice to just relax and play with nothing to do but be together.

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