Sunday, June 30, 2013

Mia's Birthday Party

HIGH: We had a great time at Mia's birthday party :)
LOW:  We skipped the beach because we thought the weather was going to be yucky and it turned out to be a gorgeous day :(

After we picked the kids up from Nana and Papa's we headed over to one of Claire's best friend's birthday parties.  
 Claire couldn't wait to see Mia and celebrate her birthday with her.  We took her to the store and let her pick out anything she wanted for Mia.  She decided on three random gifts but they were all things that Mia loves.
Claire was so excited to hang out with her two BFFs from school.  These three are besties and it was so cute to see them so excited to see each other after being apart for summer vacation so far.
Oliver was thrilled that he was invited too.  He loved climbing around Rollie Pollie's!
He loved the Zip Line.
Even though Mia invited a lot of her other friends these three stuck together like glue.  I really hope that they are in the same class next year!  They are such good friends and these girls are so sweet!!  I really like them and their families are so nice, it would be so nice to have them stay together!!!

After the party we were going to head up to the beach but the weather was a little iffy so we just came home and relaxed.
Oliver loved seeing Monty and rolling around with him on the front lawn.  He couldn't get enough kisses from Monty and I think Monty was having a blast too.
Then weather turned out to be gorgeous (we really should have gone to the beach) so I set up their water table and the kids had a blast just playing in the backyard.

I am loving summer so far.  Just having time to do big things and still have time to relax and just be together is priceless.  I am so thankful that I have summers off to spend with my family!!!

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