Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Oliver's Birthday Party

Last Saturday we had Oliver's birthday party!  I can't believe that my little man is THREE years old! We had a great party!
Now that Oliver is the big 3, he was able to pick out his own birthday cake.  This is the cake that he picked out.  Since Oliver is obsessed with dinosaurs, we had a dinosaur theme.
Daddy made this cool dinosaur watermelon.
It came out super cute and everyone enjoyed the fruit!
The kids all had a blast playing together even though the weather was yucky and we had to stay inside.
Of course Claire and her bestie shared a seat for dinner.
The adults enjoyed visiting and chatting too.
Everyone enjoyed the food.
Sneaking a kiss from the birthday boy!
 Oliver loved everyone singing Happy Birthday to him. 
When everyone was done singing he yelled out, "WHY IS EVERYONE SINGING TO ME?!"  He is such a ham!
 Mark did a great job serving up the food and cake.
Claire relaxing enjoying her cake!
A big thank you to Mark for taking pictures for us!
 Oliver loved opening all of his awesome presents!
Oliver loved his big gift from me, Mark, and Claire.  He drives a little crazy but he loved it!
The motorcycle we got him was a little fast but he is getting used to it!
Oliver loved playing with his new presents with is favorite buddy Owen.
 After everyone left we let Oliver take his new ride for a quick spin before bed!

It was a wonderful party!  Thank you to all of our family and friends that came to help us celebrate our little man's birthday!!!!

Happy birthday Oliver!  We love you so much!  The last three years have been amazing!!  I can't wait to see what the future holds!!!


Unknown said...

These are great! I especially love Mark chasing the kids at the end.....and Claire is just divine with her posed little legs up on the table relaxing. Cant wait to move closer and experience this all firsthand! XOXOXO
Julie and Brian

Amanda said...

What a great party! I looooove the dino fruit sala - good job Mark!