Wednesday, September 5, 2012

School Visit

HIGH: We had a nice visit to Claire's new classroom :)
LOW: Summer is really over :(
Today we visited Claire's new school.  She is sooo excited to start school tomorrow. Her teacher seems wonderful!! And the principal sat and talked to Claire for about 10 minutes.  This school seems wonderful!!
Claire in front of her new school!
Here is Claire at her locker.  She is so excited that she is going have her own locker.

Tomorrow is the big day!!!  I am sad that my baby is actually old enough to go to Kindergarten.  But I am so excited for her to have this experience.  She is going to love learning and making new friends!  I can't wait for her to begin this chapter in her life!

Good luck Claire!  I love you baby! I know you will do great!!!

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