Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Kindergarten Update!

HIGH: Claire is LOVING Kindergarten :)
LOW: I have not had time to take many pictures to blog :(
To say that Claire loves Kindergarten would be an understatement!  She is amazed by it!  Everyday she has come home with countless stories about how incredible her day is!  She did have a little fever last night but I think it is just because she is EXHAUSTED!  Once she has some Advil and took a little nap she is fine.  Yesterday her and Papa waited for the bus. And waited and waited.  Finally Papa drove her to school.  Thank God Claire is so flexible.  She marched into the office and informed them that the bus did not pick her up and she went on her merry way to her classroom.  Her favorite special so far is Computer lab.  Although she will tell you that she loves all of her specials.  She had Library today and fell in love with Mr. Clark the Librarian!!  Apparently he is hilarious and Claire told me "You wouldn't believe all the books they have there!!"  Claire is in love with her teacher.  She keeps telling me that she is so nice and helpful.  I am so proud of Claire and I love that she is so excited to learn new things!!!

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