Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Jellystone #2

We have been so busy lately that I haven't been able to post the rest of the Jellystone pictures.  So I am finally getting to day two of Jellystone.
The second morning the older girls painted the little girls' nails. The little girls were in their glory.
Claire loved her nails!  The girls painted balloons on her nails and Claire thought that was just the coolest thing ever.
The boys opted out of the nails and just ate snacks.
The weather warmed up so we all got dressed quickly and headed to the pool.  Oliver and Frankie had a great time swimming.
The girls had a blast swimming and doing their hair.
Boo Boo stopped in while were swimming to give the kids a quick hug.
Claire loved warming up in the hot sun.
Oliver took advantage of the warm sun and practiced his yoga.
After his yoga Oliver brushed Auntie Jenn's hair.
Baby Nicholas had a great time in the water.  
Oliver was beside himself when the girls played trains with him!
After we swam we headed back to the cabin for a nice nap.  After our naps we got ready for dinner.  Giada and Oliver spent a lot of time together at Jellystone.  She was very sweet with him and he was thrilled that she included him when everyone played.
After dinner we took a walk to the playground.  The kids loved when Uncle Frank and Auntie Jenn gave them a ride on the "web".
After the playground we did some more fishing.
Bella had the catch of the day!
And Claire got another fish too!!
After some fishing the kids loved hanging out by the fire.
At the fire I played around with my camera and tried to get some shots.

Day two was a success!  The kids had a blast!  And the grown ups had a blast too!

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